
PHP CRUD generator with PHP Code Builder using simple Form

What is CRUD

CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, and Delete.   CRUD operations is the simple process of manipulating the data from database.  

What SQL query are used for CRUD

To create CRUD code technically we need to write SQL Queries as below :- Create :- Insert query Read :- Select All query Update :- Update query Delete :- Delete query

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

Step1 :- Visit :- Step2 :-  Select Framework as "Core PHP" to generate PHP & MYSQL CRUD. Step3 :- Add table structure here. Note :-  ID &Status field is by default added. so no need to add it here.

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

Step4:- We will first add table name. Step 5 :- Enter the field name.  Step 6 :-  Select the input type per the field added.  Step 7 :- To add more fields click on Add more Fields.

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

Supprted Data Types :- Text, Select, Password, Textarea, Email, Number, Radio Button, Checkbox & File type. This fied types are suffucent to select  all type of forms. Final Step :- Click Generate CRUD Code. 

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

To get your CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Core PHP code. The Final Result is the code that you can use.  The First part of the code is the SQL  query  which you can copy & RUN in PHPMY ADMIN SQL Console

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

To get your CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Core PHP code. Download the 6 fiiles & copy it in the folder  You can even create files as detailed per framework guidelines present in the result page. STEP 1. Run the sql query in your  MySql database using PHPMyadmin.

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

STEP 2. Download the dbconfig.php as it has the mysqli connection string. Update the DB username & password. Step 3:- Index or View file has all the core PHP code to display all data in a grid. Step 4:- Tlo create record download the Add code file. Step 5:- Tlo edit record download the Edit code file. 

Steps to Generate CRUD Operations using PHP Code Builder.

Step 6:- To view specific record download the View specific record code file. Thats All. To generate your Core PHP CRUD function widely used to create Admin CRUD Operations.